Internet), Will Travel
Reading Resources
I have some links here to reading of interest or which may be of help in your case.
- Army TJAGSA Criminal Law Criminal Law Deskbook.
- Electronic Benchbook for all courts-martial. The BB is used by military judges and military defense counsel on preparing and presenting a case, law applicable to specific charges, and instructions given to the jury.
- Manual for Courts-Martial 2019. The MCM contains the U.S. Constitution, the UCMJ, and rules of practice and procedure to be followed in courts-martial and courts-martial appeals.
If you or a family member have a case on appeal you can find the decision(s) and status here. You can also review other cases which have the same issues as yours, or give you ideas for issues.
- Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.
- Army Court of Criminal Appeals.
- Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals.
- Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals.
- Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.
If you want history of military law, the Library of Congress has a site with various current and historical documents and resources.